Prepare To Be Amazed! WOW your audience with Imagination Into Art!
“People are really TRIPPED OUT in a good way by Robert’s Amazing abilities. I do think it points to the most inexplicable nature of the human mind.”
— Michael Levine, Hollywood Publicist
Request a FREE, No Obligation Quote for YOUR Event
Robert Channing
Performance Speed & Glitter Painter
Prepare To Be Amazed with “Imagination Into Art” featuring “The World’s Greatest Mentalist and Amazing Mental Artist”
Using his fingertips, palms and multiple brushes, Robert paints portraits of famous people on a five foot by six foot canvas in just a matter of minutes. His creations are choreographed to booming music that is powerful and stimulates the senses. Robert’s Imagination Into Art™ is described as taking his audience through a journey of amazement, suspense, cheers, motivation and surprise. His ability to captivate his audience and share the experience of paint, glitter, color, music, mind-reading, hypnosis and ACTION is a way to bring people into the amazing world of art, inspiration and positive creativity.
Robert has been married for over 17 years to the love of his life Brenda Leigh Johnson and has one beautiful daughter and three handsome sons. As a professional speaker and entertainer, he has been performing and running his entertainment and speaking career since the age of 12 called Power Performers. He loves giving back to people, the community and the world at large and is passionate about helping and encouraging others to follow their dreams! Remember this: “Dreams don’t have deadlines.”
To schedule Robert Channing’s “Imagination Into Art” show call Power Performers Now at 1-315-735-9667 and they will be glad to help you book him today! To your event Success!!!

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